Managing Requests for Access
Actively managing requests for access to your app is important to keep your community growing and for new members to have a good app onboarding experience that doesn't involve a long wait.
How We Assist With This Process
Automatic Reminder Emails are sent to admins when pending access requests have been waiting for 3+ days. We also surface a reminder about pending access requests on the Dashboard under the Daily Summary section.
The fastest way to see pending access requests is to tap on the number of Access Requests under the Daily Summary. The Requests section of the Members tab will open up showing the list of requests along with all of their contact information which you can use to verify them with your client records or reach out to them should you need more information.
Tap the V on the right hand side of each list to show the options: Approve, Reject, or Change the Team that member selected when signing up.
If you reject a member, they will not receive any messaging sharing that information with them. On their end they will simply appear to still be awaiting a reply.
Another way to access your Pending Access Requests is to navigate to the Dashboard > Members > Requests.
If a prospective member reaches out to the support team regarding their request for access:
We advise them that their request to join has to be approved by an app administrator. We will then message your admins in the app to let them know that that individual reached out to support regarding this access request.
If you need help with Pending Access Requests or have additional questions, contact our team at