Admin Training Preparations

We know how excited you are to experience your app first hand! After CaredFor customizes your settings, each person on your app launch team will receive an email invitation to create their profile. Prior to your live training session, it's important that you explore the app and become familiar with some core features. That will allow us to focus our time together on more advanced features. 

Be sure to complete the following items in preparation for training:

Complete Your Profile & Add a Profile Picture

  • When you first log in, the app will walk you through a series of 'getting started' screens to complete your profile fields.
  • Be sure to add a picture so your members recognize you in the stream. 
  • Note: Your email and phone number are not visible to regular app members. Only other administrators can see that information. 

Create Your First Post

  • You can add a new post from either the For You page or the Community page. 
  • Tap the camera icon to take a picture, or tap the photos icon to upload a picture or video from your device. 
  • Check out the Community page to see your new post live in the stream!

Participate in a Topic

  • You'll see a few different types of content posted in the stream. Scroll through to find a Topic and add your response. 
  • Participating in Topics is a great way for Admins to be active and visible in the community. It also helps encourage other members to contribute to the discussion. 

Comment & React on Another Member's Post

  • As an app admin, it's important for members to see you interacting in the stream. You can engage with another member's post by either liking it or adding a comment. 
  • Find another team member's post and add a like and comment.
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