Transitioning Existing Events to Using the Zoom Integration

You may be new to using the Zoom integration in your app for events but you likely have either - 

  1. Existing events in the app, facilitated via Zoom, where you copied/pasted the Zoom ID information into the events details
  2. Existing events in Zoom that haven't yet been integrated into the app

This article will help walk you through transitioning existing events into the app to use the Zoom integration.

1. Existing Events in App

  • If you have existing Zoom events in the app, navigate to, locate the meeting or webinar and locate the Zoom Meeting ID or Webinar ID, and tap the event.

  • Locate and copy the Meeting ID or Webinar ID.

  • Return to the web version of your app and navigate to the Menu > Dashboard > Toggle Admin Menu (mobile only) > Events. Locate the event you're updating. 
  • Tap the down arrow to the right of the event and tap edit
  • Change the event type to reflect the type of Zoom event you're hosting, either webinar or meeting
  • Navigate to Meeting ID and paste in the Meeting ID or Webinar ID you copied from above. Be sure there are no spaces in the Meeting ID or Webinar ID.
  • Tap save.

Your existing event has now been converted to using the Zoom integration.

2. Existing Events in Zoom but Not in App

  • If you have been hosting virtual events from Zoom, navigate to, locate the meeting or webinar and locate the Zoom Meeting ID, and tap the event.

  • Locate and copy the Meeting ID.

Create an event in your app:

  • Navigate to Menu > Dashboard > Toggle Admin Menu (mobile only) > Events
  • Tap the green "+ New Event" button in the top right. (If you're not familiar on how to create an event, check out this article)
  • While entering your event details, be sure to:
    • Under Event Type select either Zoom Meeting or Zoom Webinar to reflect the type of Zoom event you're hosting.
    • Under Meeting ID, paste the the existing ID from your Zoom account. Be sure there are no spaces in the Meeting ID or Webinar ID.

If you have any questions, reach out to our team at

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