Content for Encouraging Posts, Likes, and Comments

If you're struggling to get your members posting or your members are posting, but not acknowledging and interacting with each others' posts, this article is for you. We created these graphics and accompanying post verbiage to help encourage your members to participate and support each other in your stream. 

Note: Drag and drop these images to save them to your desktop or right click and select "save image as" to save them to your computer for use in your app.

If members aren't posting or are just posting meme content, we suggest the following shared as a Promoted Post:

Title: What's new in your life?

Body: Your community wants to hear from you! Share a life update to the feed to let everyone know how you're doing.

Select from one of these graphics or create your own in a style that suits your organization:

If members are posting, but not commenting on each others' posts, we suggest the following shared as a Promoted Post:

Title: Can you relate?

Body: Comment on your fellow community members' posts to show you care. Even just a simple acknowledgement can mean a lot to your peers.

Select from one of these graphics or create your own in a style that suits your organization:

The following posts are meant to generally increase engagement and can be posted as Promoted Posts or Topic Posts

Suggested title and body copy has been included-- feel free to use it verbatim or to customize it to your voice / audience.

Title: Which affirmation do you need for the week ahead?

Body: Don't see the one you need listed? Share your affirmation for the week.

Title: Monday Check-In

Body: Share your intention and actions you'll take to achieve it this week! Tell us in the comments.

Title: What saying helps keep you going?

Body: Share with your peers below.

Title: How are you feeling today?

Body: What challenges are you facing? What successes are you celebrating? 

Title: How are you feeling about the week ahead?

Body: Share an emoji that represents where you're at this week.

Title: How are you feeling about the week ahead?

Body: Pumped! Hopeful. Anxious? Your community has your back.

Title: Who's up for a challenge? 

Body: We all know the power of an attitude of gratitude. Take some time to share what you're grateful for in this moment-- big or small.

Title: ☀️ Self-Care Challenge ☀️

Body: Give yourself the gift of a walk outside today! It doesn't have to be a long walk, just 10 minutes is a great place to start.

Title: Time For Another Self-Care Challenge!

Body: Don't know where to start? Choose a negative thought and write its positive opposite. Often it's helpful to start with "I" and go from there. Write it in the present tense as though you're grateful for already having and being what you want.

Here are some examples - "I can handle whatever comes my way." "I am resilient." "I forgive myself for my past mistakes."

Title: Self-Care Meditation Challenge

Body: The benefits of meditation are well documented, but it can be hard to grant ourselves the time to make this a habit. Take the challenge today and be sure to tell us how it went.

For more tips on increasing engagement in your app, check out this article.

Looking for more content ideas? Check out our article: Best Practices for Engaging Content for more inspiration.

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