Managing Check-Ins

The following outlines the process by which Admins and Super Admins can schedule, edit, delete and review check-ins.

Scheduling Check-Ins

Check-ins can be scheduled for an individual or a group via the Dashboard>Check-Ins page.

To schedule a new check-in, select + New Check-In.

Select the member(s) or list that you want to schedule a check-in for & click Select.

If you want to schedule a check-in for a list of members, be sure to create the contact list first.

Next you'll select the Check-in Date (and time), Timezone, Check-in Window, and if you want the check-in to Repeat (daily or weekly).

Once you are satisfied with your selections, select Create.

The check-ins you just created will now display on the Upcoming tab.

Use the drop down menu on an upcoming check-in if you need to Edit Check-In or Delete Check-In.

If a person leaves the program, you can delete ALL of their upcoming check-ins by navigating to the Past tab > select one of their past check-ins > scroll to Upcoming Check-Ins for {insert name} > Delete All.

Reviewing Completed Check-Ins

The Past tab will list all of the expired check-ins and their status. Each item in the list is selectable to open a check-in details page.

If the check-in status is Checked-In, the details page will display:

  • The member's location on a map
  • The photo that was attached
  • The date/time when the check-in was completed

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