Wellness Trackers

The My Wellness page is a space where members can cultivate self-awareness and promote emotional well-being by tracking their mood regularly. The feature is enabled by default on all teams at your facility to ensure everyone can take advantage of tracking and reflecting on their mood regularly.

Administrators can view and manage members tracking their mood via the Dashboard > Wellness Trackers page.

On the Wellness Trackers page, administrators can view:

  • Who is tracking their mood
  • How many tracker entries they have made
  • The date they last tracked
  • If their tracker requires attention

A tracker is marked as "needs attention" when the 7-day rolling average falls below 2.5 based on a scale of 1-5. The list of who needs attention updates daily. A tracker falls off of the needs attention list when the average increases to 2.5 or higher.

Administrators can also search for a specific member, sort the page by last entry date/time (ascending and descending), and filter to show only "needs attention" trackers.

Each item in the list is selectable and will open a page displaying a member's detailed tracker history.

The detailed tracker history displays the member's average daily mood on a chart and below the graph you can view details for each individual entry the member has made.

The chart updates every morning. Entries from today will not display on the chart until tomorrow.

Daily Summary

The daily summary will also display if there are any trackers on the needs attention list. The list item is selectable and will open the Wellness Trackers page filtered by default to display the needs attention list only.


The Dashboard>Reports page includes a "Wellness Tracker Export" report type. This report can be generated for a specific team and date range of your choosing and will provide a CSV file listing every record that meets the filters you have chosen.

Each record will include the following:

  • Date Created​
  • Name​
  • Email​
  • Rating​
  • Context Word(s)​
  • Notes​
  • If image was attached​ (true =1 and false = 0)
  • Team(s)​
  • Account Created Date​
  • Began Treatment At Date​
  • Left Treatment At Date
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